fight against windmills
This post has to do, despite the similar title, with only minimal with my blog.
the end of last year by Harald Frankel International Games Magazine wrote to me and a few other mods stigma of video games because he wanted to write an article on the page. This is especially the doctoral thesis of stigma-and User Vicarocha founder Rey-Alp, but towards the end I will mention is. There
The full article is here .
I should mention this later but still something. On the 2nd Page is found indeed a picture of me and including a quote about the action alliance Winnenden. Yes, I have said so and I am also with that statement, but it lacks the scope of this article a bit of context. A sentence on the AAW was removed just prior to publication and thus my mind sees something there .... at lower frequencies. Unfortunately I have not seen the article before it was published.
Therefore, that the first times that I will officially mentioned in a magazine not exactly the best result, but now I can not do anything more to it. : P
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