Each Hamburger, who already had the chance once the current (mail) ballot papers for the state election in the hand hold is noticed have: A whole lot of paper, lots of wood
why! we also speak no more of ballots, but by a "ballot paper book, but it includes 66 pages booklet and a real bond.
why! we also speak no more of ballots, but by a "ballot paper book, but it includes 66 pages booklet and a real bond.
funkygog has in rabbit-farm.de counted exactly once:
"Of the 66 sites are 32 pages with no content, which is almost half, what a nonsense.
I once counted 34 DIN A4 sheets laid flat x 1.2 million eligible voters is an area of 2.54 million square meters of paper or 2.54 km ² . The Hamburg Town Hall Square has an area of 4,000 m². This would one on the entire surface of 635 sheets on each stack. That would be a flash mob action ... (Sorry, I habs with numbers) "
Since I have it with numbers, I'll do the same next time:
- All ballot papers (ballot, sample ballot, explanation) thus include 95,795,264 *
A4 pages (95 million!)
- weighed weigh the documents for a voter about 350 grams
- For all eligible voters make it then about 450 tons paper
- Basically, you need so alone over 1000 trees for Hamburg
election documents. Wow! Here, then envelopes, letters and other information materials
not yet taken into account.
for the elections will therefore need as many trees, as in all of 2008 in Hamburg-Mitte Altona and Eimsbüttel been together like. See the following inquiry by the SPD parliamentary group printed matter 19/3103 (pdf) (S18ff.)
Since it would interest me but, already, such as the introduction of the new electoral law efforts around the green capital of Europe fit together?
environmental capital, they take over!
Addendum: The current Hamburg election law is based on a sense of "more democracy Hamburg eV initiated by popular initiative, which led in 2009 to a referendum. And he who preferred proposal was adopted in June 2009 by the citizenry. The new electoral law is therefore the will of the hamburger people. The title "European Green Capital 2011" (environmental capital of Europe) . other hand, is an award of the EU Commission must both harmonize therefore not
* Addendum.
To facilitate all the recalculation, the bill here:
To facilitate all the recalculation, the bill here:
80 pages á 40 A4 sheets for ballot papers
68 pages A 34 A4 sheets for sample ballot
4 pages á "select" 2 A4 sheets for explanation
= 76 A4 sheets
x 1,260,464 voters
= 95,795,264 A4 pages
Addendum: The Land Returning Officer speaks of 71 million sheets of paper for the ballot and at least 5.5 tons of printer's ink. Costs of an early election: EUR 15.5 million.
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