Saturday, February 19, 2011

Birthday Party Shopping In Bangalore?

Joseph Johannsen?

Each voter who lives in Hamburg-Mitte will have already seen the posters:

With many thanks to Karl-Heinz Karch
Joseph Johannsen
"From the Horn of citizenship

Exciting young man thinks to himself and does the www to find whether you can find more information on him.

What once one does not find: Joseph Johannsen on the constituency list of the CDU for citizenship: sample ballot booklet Constituency I - Hamburg-Mitte (pdf)..

Hmmm, funny you think there as observers and will ask directly. In the search for his email address it will be quite an adventure. On the website of the District Assembly Hamburg-Mitte, in which Mr. Johansson is Vice Chairman, is at once : Josef Ilcin (His name is there twice, after all, now make a right.)

on the websites of a company, founded by Mr. Johannsen and once passed, is certain, however: Joseph Ilcin.

That would Name Number 3

refers Fortunately, or an email address and Mr. Johannsen responds very friendly.

To clarify:

In fact, Mr. Johannsen candidate "only" for the District Assembly. Due to a
"intra-party conflict", he was not elected to the CDU's list of citizenship. The posters were due to the short lead times However, already printed with the inscription citizenship. Hamburg wind and weather are now fault that the glue on the new and corrected advertisement for the District Assembly either gone with the wind or been demolished.
is the new slogan: "for you in the district of Mitte"

For about half a year, he has reverted to his birth name: Johannsen. The decision of the GAL to dissolve the coalition, surprised him very well. Unfortunately missing in the hectic election campaign so far the time the name of sustainable at all points to change and wide to publish.

Joseph Johannsen was born in Hamburg and grew up. He is German with Aramaic roots, therefore, an avowed Christian. So far it did not matter if he "Ilcin 'or' Johannsen 'hot, because he never people on the basis of name, religion or origin, etc. assessed. The decision to take back his family name, he would like to confess now more to his family roots.

to answer any questions!

in Berlin provides a similar case in the last elections to the European Parliament for headlines. Citizens were disoriented and confused because MEP Dagmar Roth-Behrendt (SPD) on the posters with the name was, was noted on the ballot but with a completely different last name.


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