Wednesday, February 23, 2011

English Shoes Cream Meltonian


Since yesterday, all persons are 22/02/2011 votes in the 1743 polling stations counted. A lot of figures by which one should dig once, because really come out a few interesting things here.

For example, the 26 480 ballot papers were invalid. That makes at least a 692 663 valid ballots rate of 3.1% invalid votes . Compared to the state election, 2008 (0.98% invalid ballots) a tripling of invalid votes . Now one can speculate whether this new electoral law on , the increasing dementia in Hamburg or "choose" from the embarrassing campaign was of citizenship?

have given all their votes are valid, have automatically participated in the election's most popular politician of the Hanseatic city, where the official results: Which politician has can combine the most votes?

are over 600,000 votes for a politician as clear a sign. This enabled Olaf Scholz almost 40% of people vote at all regional lists of all parties join up. That is very impressive and makes him by far the most popular of politicians on the Elbe and Alster

also exciting, are not members of the 7 in 10 of the most popular politician in the top ten of the next government .

But what eigentich at the other end of these statistics? Here I present the 10 candidates who could unite the least votes on Sunday on their person on the national list.

The 10 Poltiker with the least votes

Even these 10 women and men is my fullest respect for your candidacy and a dedicated campaign within the meaning of democracy

addendum. found on the constituency lists are also candidates no single vote will have, for example Michael Gerard Old and Mark Kruger (both Parties), Jürgen Sauer (CDU) and Bettina Landmesser (Buemi) in constituency 16 (Harburg).


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