One of my greatest weakness is probably that I tend to postpone certain things incredibly long, sometimes to the point that I completely forget. This applies not only study-related stuff but also for gamers Unity and blog articles. That's why I'm annoyed just black, that I have not managed to make a proper petition for Pegi and against the BPjM on its feet.
Instead, there is now an official parliamentary petition calling for the introduction the Pegi, but the wording for my taste a little too vague and generally rather counterproductive. Add to this special part here:
introduction of the PEGI system in Germany. Wii should not only consider the last resort in cases where the representation of violence is too broad and contrary to law as an example of the confiscated in Germany Manhunt. Lives contemptuous software want to have the German players and not players in Germany.This is anything but helpful. In principle, he says is this: "Censorship has to go, unless they are installed."
also the part with the segregated areas would be yes, in principle, even legally possible, but no one wants to really do, otherwise it would be in the Saturn and co. already.
I need to read the text again very thoroughly, but my current impression is that the petition does not really help and hinder their existence is now only through the solid would bring another petition.
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