have given Total 692 285 3,413,197 valid votes in the Hamburg state election 2011th They are valid from 4.9 votes per ballot. The most votes were known to the SPD and their Spitzenkandiaten Olaf Scholz.
The Statistical Office of Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein has compiled other figures (pdf) and provides the foundation for more detailed analysis of voting behavior. Certainly very exciting when one ventures into the depths of the statistics.
Under section 8 (page 13) to analyze the statistician and the strongholds of the parties. Sorry, but only the parties are considered, which could eventually move into the citizenry. Therefore, I have looked at all 12 parties and voter initiative even more precisely and present the strongholds of the state election parties involved. Base are the voices of the national list.
live where most of the voters ...
Constituency 2
Billstedt-Wilhelmsburg Finkenwerder
voters SPD: 54.3 % (absolute majority)
Hamburg total: 48.4%
Constituency 13
Alstertal Walddörfer
voters CDU: 29.6%
Hamburg total: 21.9%
Constituency 5
Rotherbaum-Harvestehude- Eimsbüttel East
voters GAL: 18.5%
Hamburg total: 11.2%
The Left.
Constituency 3
The voters LEFT. 11.2%
Hamburg total: 6.4%
election district 4
FDP voters: 10.6%
Hamburg Total ; 6.7%
Pirate Party
constituency 1
voters Pirate Party: 3.8%
Hamburg total: 2.1%
Constituency 2
Billstedt-Wilhelmsburg Finkenwerder
voters NPD: 1.8%
Hamburg total: 0.89%
Constituency 1
voters the party: 1.7%
Hamburg total: 0.7%
Constituency 13
Alstertal Walddörfer
voters FREE VOTERS: 0.9%
Hamburg total: 0.67%
Pensioners Party
Constituency 12
voters Pensioners Party: 0.8%
Hamburg geamt: 0.46%
Constituency 3
voters ödp: 0.6%
Hamburg total: 0.3%
Middle Class
Constituency 17
voters Middle Class: 0.3%
Hamburg total: 0.24%
BIG Hamburg
Constituency 2
Billstedt- William Castle-Finkenwerder
voters BIG Hamburg: 0.4%
Hamburg total: 0.1%
Conclusion: The Constituency 2 is not only the stronghold of the Social Democrats, but also the NPD and curiously enough, also of migrants BIG party. The strongholds of the CDU, FDP, CDU and Middle Class of the edges are the second largest city. The voters of pirate party and the party on the other hand live in the heart of the urban metropolis.
The Left and the ödp seem to have a similar audience. Both were in the district of Altona win the most votes. Since the surprise a few days ago became known change from David Perteck , at least No. 2 in the ödp-state list, little to the Left Party.
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