Saturday, December 25, 2010

Student Teacher Kisses

Isaac Vs. Clarke. The Necro-Bayern

Since you want even a few to spend a quiet, Internet Free Christmas and then my brother said something like: The Bavarian Ministry of Social Affairs refutes the decision of the PSP to , the minimally modified version of Dead Space 2 to grant a release. Reports had cut the official announcement from EA:

The Youth Protection Officer of Electronic Arts:
"Now, the ESRB reviewers Dead Space 2 after months of back and forth, an age identification (18 +) where, has conceded the Bavarian Ministry of Social Affairs that decision again and brought the so-called appeal process from the legal dustbin . Now there will be a re-examination Wii - by now the sixth since this will only take place sometime in January, the release date of the PSP version of the game is at risk, the German players at a disadvantage "..

Dr. Olaf Coenen (Managing Electronic Arts Germany)
"We are in July 2010 USK talking about Dead Space 2 A total of five Wii-tests with the final decision, the game marked. Then we have - as called for in the 30,000 cases, and practice before - the further production steps are taken. Now was the indicator as a complete surprise and can not be traced back conceded. The sixth test will now take place sometime in January - with a game in which all stakeholders agree that it should only be offered for adults. This is absurd in our view. "

" We call on Bavaria, the appeal process and reinstate the verdict of the experts to conclude that in light of their long experience (30,000 tests) have come to the decision for a flag. "

's great that EA is finally loud again when it comes to things like that. This is currently the only major publisher who regularly invests with the German authorities . As one of the world's largest publisher who also sit on a very long lever.
I'm just too lazy for a longer comment.

I herewith all my readers who have not yet done so to participate in this petition .


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