Lafontaine or Super electoral reform in election year?
Lafontaine it seems made it to the last state elections have to split the German party system. Richard David Precht calls, in the talk show "People euromaxx" a lame Swiss consociational democracy. Is this a solution of the problems? Precht forget the size of the discovery of the Greek majority democracy. Suddenly in the history of mankind was the majority of the people decide about choosing between black and white stones. This triggered an explosion of reason from 2500 years ago: in science and philosophy. Avoidant personality suddenly decided with the autonomous reason and not the existing power or a shaman religion. Suddenly there was power on time and the inherent opportunity for change of power in a Persoenlichkeitswahl. The fear of loss of power led to more reason and rationality. As the story grew slowly approached the Parteiensytem and evolved so that the thinking in groups and dependencies, the autonomous association of interest.
What we still take away the breath, as the majority Americans suddenly a black African was elected president. Or as President SBY in Indonesia swept away the old system of power. Or, as in Japan for the first time in 50 years, the opposition causes the change of power. Or, as in Burma weak petite woman, Aung San Suu Kyi, already under house arrest, a 30-year military dictatorship in his place and had since then holds as a Nobel laureate under house arrest for another 20 years the world under the spell. The many years of Nelson Mandela on Robben Iceland and many other examples show that the change of power by keeping the majority of the people of the world in suspense.
When the people elected by a majority in West Germany, Chancellor or Chancellor who will? If Angela Merkel against Frank Steinmeier would stand for election, only then to Germany ready for democracy, and that means away from the Verhaeltniswahl, even to use the ballot! And over the three-person constituency would be mandatory for candidates with primaries up!
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