Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Can You Remove Burns From A Iron Plate

haider haider why people choose

Jörg Haider, BZÖ (Bild: ORF)

a small insight into the soul of KaerntnerInnen yesterday I got in the bus. the choice was great conversation.

sounded behind me there: our Joerg has done it .. the hats are shown.

in other Gespraechsverlauf came out - Pensioners have apparently two talk. It came apart from the - that is good to be thrown out of the these "foreigners".
to the well-known 100 language.
and as it turned out, of course, have the two retirees to pick up "100" - and this year will again bring "their 100.
came in between to how great the language is haider and how "well you know the Joerg."

an interesting side note - one of the two pensioners, but said I "deserved" yes too much because my husband gets indeed board. the answer was - the matter is - this is not always checked - the does not look there, I'm doing so ....

an insight was enlightening.
because of accurate social services in Carinthia.

important is only that Haider distributes money to people on the shoulder and knocking them to go home then allowed him the next time to choose ... may not be kaernten

austria ...
because they were bound to pass through such systems.

I must say, I have not researched whether this is checked who is really social need. but the response was very fast and sounded well-founded, and so gets around the ... same time for those people is really bad because no money goes ...

tja. and who now thinks that mess ... should either change his / her vote at the next election, or - if this is not possible :-) is actively contributing to change that, not everything else fails ...

Redoing A Floor In A Boat

moral hyperventilation. About the perception of the political "right wing"

The indignation over the "radical right in Austria" is about. Even if all sides could be observed, the election results express the rejection großkoalitionärer culture of debate, but there is widespread lack of understanding about the way FPÖ and BZÖ soar to such a brilliant winner. Michael Häupl the mood of the morally horrified brought to the point, as he deliberately in response to the election result by the right wing Nazi comparisons branded.

will now deny no man who is sane, that the right camp is home to the incorrigible German Nationalists. The Freedom Party was always the political haven for fraternity members that bring no distance between himself and National Socialist ideas. The party program of the FPÖ and BZÖ teems with the operation of xenophobic prejudice. The exclusion against "the other" creates the identity of any nationalist party. If the Freedom Party dreams of a stop immigration as a solution to all security problems, which brings the far-right sentiment to the point: So many existing problems as possible on "the foreigner" projected. This is xenophobic. No question.

And yet it is simply a gross exaggeration, the portent of a upcoming new construction of the Nazi empire to paint the wall as the FPÖ and BZÖ, if you count up her voice, the voice the strongest force of the country. The madness of the tirades against the election results reveals itself in the fact that this obvious conclusion is at all necessary. Häupl operates with such artificially inflated as scandals like the "profile", which supplied the election victory of right-wing with the headline "Victory ..." in runic script, as a consequence, the business of right-wing populists.

Many people have given their votes on Sunday in blue or orange, because they are not sufficiently aware Decision to know what these parties are in the so-called "alien question". Therefore, it is necessary to make this sober awareness training. However, the FPÖ who liked to equate the Nazi party, and that too as Häupl with utter conviction that this was good for the anti-fascist thing causes the opposite of a demobilization right electorate. No one likes to be criticized, he had cast a vote for National Socialism, if he / she does not see itself as a Nazi. The result is hysterical Dunning defiance: "We still slips down the hump, you hyperventilierenden over drivers that you draw us into the dirt and obviously have no understanding of our protest, "to think right now probably many FPÖ and BZÖ voters.

This does not mean that Dunning is generally nonsense. But a political opponent can not get rid of the unsubstantiated scandal. The weakening of the third camp assumes that the other parties offer the voters again at the content level more. To enter into a battle with populism populism brings special experts, sooner or later a painful defeat.

I am the last person is pleased with the gain of the rights. Anyone who honestly does care about the political development should less energy in its anti-fascist preaching, and instead invest more in preventing a repeat of a government that drives through systematic problem solving inability even more protest voters into the arms of the Blue Range.

On the one hand, get riled about political rights radicalization, on the other hand, the simultaneous persistence of old patterns of thinking that only the grand coalition that took us by blocking the right voices profit ever brewed until now could still save the Republic: This is Moral Häupl brand, the brand is morality Austria.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Wild Pokemons On Pokemon Deluge

Lif CHAT? lif and contents from the perspective of a Green

Lif Chat - selected strong ...?

now: Live chat with Heide Schmidt

when the Lif Chat - viewed with a political eye, you realize this is campaign-driven themes to ask not just what or concerned, but especially the question of strong selection. this is legitimate, and also the intention, however, if the content does not ask to be answered or I find that very sad.

I have four questions asked - one of them critical, 3 pure substance, unfortunately not come to pity.

seems all planned out from az.

but glad the answers by Heide Schmidt (from Gruener view)

[Comment by Martina]
How would your model from immigration?
Heide Schmidt : I consider something of a points system that is based on various criteria, which are mutually intelligible and fair.


Dear Mrs. Smith, why They are against a referendum on the EU Treaty?
Heide Schmidt : I would have something against a veto of a federal state of Austria against our Constitution. The EU is constructed differently, but the meaning is still the community, so I am committed to a Europe-wide vote. I want the development of Europe, not national populists launching

all on a green line - even the VP speaks of Europe-wide referendums - like the G had the gefodert from the beginning.

interesting for me this question:

[Comment by Philip]
Addendum: What do you think of this bashing the Greens?

I (martin rutter) allow me to find an answer "as" Heide Schmidt
Heide Schmidt : I think their strategy to understand, I can understand the Greens are critical of us against . Zach Termination for EADS lobbying Haselsteiner supporting players, including some abroad. Closer look is legitimate, and I as a liberal it is also important that all looked closely - and we, at .

The original response, however, was different:

Heide Schmidt : I think their strategy party, but not properly oriented and that is sad. You should know that two parties in Parliament (and we would have at least seven seats) can do more than a single, even if they had to give a mandate to us. Somehow, they act like old trade unionist, which is all about vested rights. For me, this is disappointing.

The answer:

[Comment by Emma]
Dear Ms. Schmidt, as first-time voters, I am very glad choose an alternative to the Greens put on! Good luck

differs also in other issues, the LIF little from the Green Party:

[Comment by Martina]
you are currently for full membership of Turkey to the EU. Why?
Heide Schmidt : I am in favor of negotiating with Turkey to join back. Whether they meet the criteria really is able to meet in the foreseeable future, is open. But I believe that in the interest of us should be all, Turkey on their way to give in conformity with human rights and democracy incentive backing. Whether it succeeds is, however, especially her.

[Comment Tom]
Dear Ms. Smith, you could imagine in possession of "small" amounts of Betäubingsmittel and no suspicion of trafficking to make this offense under the criminal administration?
Heide Schmidt : be too sweeping to answer that. But I have always advocated for the decriminalization of soft drugs in order to reach a separation medium, because the drug problem is really a hard act Release

[Comment by Haens]
that with the abolition of the armed forces I do not quite understand. who does and who then pays the civil protection (floods and avalanches) and who pays for the nursing staff if there is no civil servant is more? I think the benefits of this moment Austria cheap labor and can not afford expensive employed in the area ...
Heide Schmidt : I think it is totally wrong, basic military and civil servants for these important tasks were, "exploit". We have the function of both the social and the other tasks for the community to organize so that they can be made paid. The army has mainly military in nature (for they are formed) and they are to me better off in a European army.

active as I was by the Gruen CHAT hardly convinced by the response at all. For the Greens are much himself, and the "argument" would strengthen the LiF Gruen is simply wrong. There are socio-political overlaps, yes, but what the example As for tuition, the LIF is for a reintroduction:
to ask

13:40 [Comment by Christoph]
they would agree to a re-introduction of tuition fees?

has been answered

This certainly is not. But if the academic offer true (yet this is not the case), you should definitely talk about an acceptable, socially unerring financing model ...

and for me to say this safely, but others will.
this is a basic example where I can not go along, free education from kindergarten to Study. Just for apprentices (Lehrlingspruefung etc.)
However, this is a different story

the end I would like to hold on - I hope the LiF comes to parliament, but I am skeptical because of Zach's history.

I think the Lif RECOURSE below 4% and then fall FPÖ, BZÖ ÖVP and SPÖ and the Greens 0.3% of them. at least then selects each LIF voters to 15%, the Green party with ;-)'s also what ...


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Pain - Left Side & Back Just Above Waist

creates green the!

video of the election campaign The Greens in Klagenfurt online, please?

at least hits the job well to the point, why green - makes Rot-Schwarz/Schwarz-Rot creates does not, there goes just to the right and fear and debt - that can not be real, and LiF are unsure Dinkhauser .

this makes things a bit easier :-)
says for me ;-)

what you?